Monday, September 17, 2007

I have been tagged. That's a first!

I have to write 6 things about myself. Here goes it....

1. I have to have my iced tea everyday or I feel like something is severely missing.
2. I have to create something in my scrapbook room everyday or else I will lose my sanity.
3. I buy way to much scrapbooking stuff even though I don't need it. Yes, I am a collector of all things paper.
4. I am not a statistic. I have successfully raised a daughter who is well-balanced and happy after being a very young teenage mother to her.
5. I love ETSY.
6. I have the ability to hold a conversation with complete strangers and my family can't stand it. They get extremely embarrassed by me.

So those are my 6 things about me. I don't know anyone else to tag except my daughter. Consider yourself tagged missy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are some great and interesting facts about you. I know where you are coming from on the collecting thing with scrapbook stuff!!! Oh hey I have my kits up finally! Have a good day!